Trumps se enfoca en Panamá; Tarifas eléctricas se mantienen sin cambios para 2025; Nochebuena dejó más de 100 personas aprehendidas; Alcaldía de Panamá crea zonas y horarios especiales para la economía nocturna.

Deciembre 27, 2024. Antes que nada, Feliz Navidad y Feliz Hanukkah – espero que todos hayan tenido celebraciones maravillosas hasta ahora y estén esperando con ansias el Año Nuevo, independientemente de lo que Trump quiera hacer con Panamá. Pero, ¡qué locos los últimos días! El presidente electo Donald Trump se ha pasado de la raya al expresar recientemente su deseo de que Estados Unidos recupere el control sobre el Canal de Panamá. Criticó las tasas que cobra Panamá por el tránsito por el canal, calificándolas de «ridículas» e injustas para la economía estadounidense. Trump declaró que si estas prácticas continuaban, Estados Unidos exigiría la devolución del canal. ¿¡Quéeeeeeé!? En respuesta, el presidente de Panamá, José Raúl Mulino, rechazó firmemente las demandas de Trump, haciendo hincapié en la soberanía de Panamá sobre el canal. Mulino afirmó que las tarifas del canal se determinan en función de las condiciones del mercado y los costes operativos, y no de forma arbitraria. También aseguró que el canal permanece bajo control panameño, desestimando las preocupaciones sobre una posible influencia extranjera. Estas preocupaciones se deben principalmente al interés cada vez mayor de China por América Latina en general y, más concretamente, a su influencia en las anteriores administraciones panameñas (no tanto en la actual). Entonces, China intervino: En concreto, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores chino expresó su apoyo a la soberanía de Panamá sobre el canal. La portavoz Mao Ning subrayó que el canal es una importante creación del pueblo panameño y una vía navegable internacional vital. Afirmó que «China siempre ha apoyado al pueblo de Panamá en su justa lucha por la soberanía sobre el Canal», y reiteró el respeto de China por el control de Panamá, reconociendo el canal como un paso internacional permanentemente neutral. Este parece un buen momento para detenernos en una abreviada lección de historia: El Canal de Panamá fue iniciado originalmente por los franceses en 1881 bajo la dirección de Ferdinand de Lesseps, el ingeniero responsable de la exitosa construcción del Canal de Suez. Sin embargo, el proyecto se enfrentó a importantes retos, entre ellos enfermedades tropicales como la malaria y la fiebre amarilla, así como dificultades de ingeniería relacionadas con el terreno montañoso de Panamá. Al final, los esfuerzos franceses fracasaron y el proyecto se abandonó en 1889. Fueron sólo 8 años en los que murieron casi 25.000 personas durante el proceso. Casi 15 años después, Estados Unidos se hizo cargo de la construcción en 1904. La construcción del Canal de Panamá difirió significativamente entre los planteamientos francés y estadounidense, sobre todo en el diseño elegido para superar los retos geográficos e hidrológicos. Los franceses, bajo el mando de Ferdinand de Lesseps, intentaron construir un canal a nivel del mar similar al Canal de Suez, que requería un cauce recto sin esclusas. Este planteamiento se enfrentó a obstáculos insuperables, como el terreno montañoso, los corrimientos de tierra en el Corte Culebra y las impredecibles crecidas del río Chagres. En cambio, los estadounidenses implantaron un sistema de esclusas y lagos, aprovechando el río Chagres para crear un lago artificial elevado, el lago Gatún, y utilizando esclusas para subir y bajar los barcos a medida que atravesaban el canal. Este diseño redujo drásticamente la necesidad de excavar y proporcionó un mejor control sobre el flujo de agua, permitiendo en última instancia la finalización del proyecto en 1914 y estableciéndolo como una maravilla de la ingeniería. El Canal de Panamá fue posteriormente transferido a Panamá en 1999 tras la firma de los Tratados Torrijos-Carter en 1977. Estos tratados pusieron fin al control estadounidense sobre el canal, otorgando a Panamá plena soberanía. ¿Cuánto costó todo esto a Estados Unidos? Tras la compra de los derechos a Francia por 40 millones de dólares, otros 10 millones a Panamá más un canon anual de 250.000 dólares (acordado en 1904), y los costes reales de construcción, EE.UU. invirtió más de 375 millones de dólares, una cantidad enorme para la época. Fue considerado uno de los proyectos más caros y agresivos de la historia. En dólares de hoy, con la inflación, equivaldría a ¡¡9.690 millones de dólares!! Las declaraciones de Trump han desatado una disputa diplomática, con Panamá afirmando su independencia y control sobre el canal, un conducto vital para el comercio marítimo internacional. Los analistas señalan que cualquier intento estadounidense de reclamar el canal se enfrentaría a importantes desafíos legales y geopolíticos. Estos titulares muestran una vez más su carácter provocador. Si Panamá no baja sus tasas de tránsito, se lo va a llevar y devolver a Estados Unidos. Esto es dudoso. Si has analizado a Trump mínimamente, sabrás que esto es la clásica teatralidad de Trump: una declaración exagerada diseñada para llamar la atención y agitar la olla. Es su estrategia característica: hacer que la gente se enfade, se ría o incluso discuta entre sí. Entonces, justo cuando las tensiones alcanzan su punto álgido, interviene para negociar y a menudo llega a un acuerdo que satisface a la mayoría de las partes, excepto, por supuesto, a sus críticos más acérrimos, que nunca dejan de oponerse al Sr. Naranja. Y luego, por si fuera poco, señaló su elección para embajador de EEUU en Panamá. Este tipo salió de la nada. Anunció a Kevin Marino Cabrera para este puesto. Comisionado del condado de Miami-Dade y exdirector estatal de Florida para la campaña de Donald Trump en 2020, Cabrera es graduado en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad Internacional de Florida. Se forjó una carrera como lobista y estratega político, conocido por sus firmes valores conservadores y su apoyo a Trump. Su elección a la Comisión del Condado de Miami-Dade en 2022 se centró en la seguridad pública, el desarrollo económico y la limitación de las extralimitaciones del gobierno. Cabrera ha enfrentado controversia por su participación en una protesta en 2018 que involucró a miembros de los Proud Boys, aunque niega cualquier afiliación con el grupo. Recientemente nominado por Trump como embajador de Estados Unidos en Panamá, el nombramiento de Cabrera destaca sus vínculos con la administración y
Tradiciones en una Lata; Operación “Guardián” para custodiar 18 puntos en todo el país; El Gobierno recibe un dividendo récord de más de $25 millones de ENSA; El Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas es trasladado a la Ciudad de la Salud.

Diciembre 20, 2024. Hoy fue otro buen día, aún más brillante gracias al pensativo regalo de galletas de algunos queridos amigos locales. Esta lata de Galletas de Mantequilla Danesas es más que un simple dulce; ocupa un lugar especial en mi corazón, arraigado en recuerdos atesorados de mi niñez.Cada Navidad, mi abuela hacía una tradición de regalar una lata de estas galletas a cada uno de sus hijos y nietos. En ese entonces, me parecía curioso—después de todo, ella era una increíble cocinera y panadera por derecho propio, y mi madre también era una experta en la cocina. Años después, mi madre compartió la razón detrás de este sencillo gesto. Con una sonrisa sabia, explicó que mi abuela quería crear recuerdos duraderos para sus nietos mientras sutilmente animaba a sus propios hijos a seguir cosiendo—una habilidad y una tradición que ella creía que era tanto práctica como una conexión con la historia familiar.Una vez que las galletas se habían devorado—y nunca duraban mucho—las latas cobraban nueva vida como almacenamiento para los elementos esenciales de costura: hilos, agujas, botones y otros pequeños tesoros. Ver hoy una de esas icónicas latas azules me transporta inmediatamente a esos cálidos momentos de unidad familiar, amor y el silencioso poder de la tradición.Para aquellos que mantienen las tradiciones familiares, sin importar cuán pequeñas sean, les aplaudo. Y para aquellos que recién están comenzando sus familias y buscan establecer algo significativo, sepan esto: no hace falta grandeza para crear recuerdos duraderos. Incluso algo tan humilde como una lata de galletas puede convertirse en un faro de nostalgia, un símbolo de amor y una conexión apreciada con el pasado.Nunca subestimemos el poder de estas sencillas tradiciones para tejer el tejido de la historia familiar. Gracias, amigos, por inspirar tan bellas reflexiones hoy. TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Lluvias de Corta Duración Persistirán en Diciembre Antes del Inicio de la Temporada Seca Las lluvias por cortos períodos en el sector Pacífico panameño seguirán en el mes de diciembre, como parte de la transición de la temporada lluviosa a la seca. “Ya en enero vamos a entrar a la temporada seca. Este año la temporada lluviosa está saliendo tarde y, claro, la temporada seca va a entrar un poco tarde”, afirmó Roberto Martínez, meteorólogo del Instituto de Meteorología e Hidrología de Panamá (Imhpa). Sobre la sensación que hay en las personas de que el calor es más intenso y el sol más implacable, Martínez afirmó que los valores meteorológicos están normales y que no se presenta ninguna anomalía. “Eso es todos los años, esos comentarios nos llegan a nosotros. En diciembre nos dicen: es que ese sol no es normal, está pegando duro y ¿por qué? No es así y es normal que la gente comente eso”, destacó Martínez. El meteorólogo recordó que este año hay más lluvias en diciembre, en comparación con años anteriores, cuando el último mes del año empieza seco, sin aguaceros. Explicó que, de acuerdo con las proyecciones del clima, en lo que resta del mes seguirán las lluvias esporádicas de corta duración, sobre todo en la vertiente del Pacífico panameño. “Actividad eléctrica no hemos tenido. Y los aguaceros, por lo general, son cortos, son esporádicos, caen unos minutos y sale el sol: se despeja de una vez”. VER ARTICULO ORIGINAL AQUI Alistan el Operativo Guardián para Custodiar 18 Puntos en Todo el País Con las fiestas de fin de año, miles de personas se trasladan a diferentes puntos del país, incluyendo playas y ríos, por lo que las autoridades ya preparan los operativos de seguridad. El país se encuentra en la transición hacia el verano, razón por la que las personas deben ser precavidas, porque aún está lloviendo en algunos puntos, según indicó el director del Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (Sinaproc), Omar Smith. El funcionario hizo un llamado a la población para este fin de semana extendido: no dejar solo al conductor y recordar que todavía hay lluvias en el interior del país. Operación Guardián 2025 Smith indicó que ya están casi listos para lanzar la operación Guardián 2025, para la cobertura en 18 puntos en el país. La operación que comenzará el 25 de diciembre consta de tres etapas: la primera con las fiestas de fin de año, la fase dos en carnavales y la fase tres por Semana Santa. La misma se extenderá hasta el mes de abril. Se prevé que 189 voluntarios y miembros del Sinaproc, con especialidades de guardavidas y primeros auxilios, estén en los 18 puntos. Recomendó a las personas respetar las normas de seguridad y a los guardavidas. Smith sostuvo que los guardavidas no son cuidadores de los niños en los ríos y playas, sino que facilitan la seguridad en el área. También pidió a los bañistas que identifiquen el riesgo antes de entrar a ríos y playas. El Sinaproc emitirá cualquier aviso de vigilancia en caso de situaciones relacionadas con el clima y las mareas. VER ARTICULO ORIGINAL AQUI Estado Panameño Recibe Dividendo Récord de ENSA por Más de $25 Millones En un hecho sin precedentes, el Estado panameño recibió un dividendo histórico de $25,661,484.61, correspondiente a las utilidades netas generadas durante 2023 por ENSA Grupo EPM, una empresa clave del sector eléctrico en el país. Este monto representa un récord anual y subraya la relevancia de las alianzas público-privadas en el desarrollo económico y social de Panamá. Estructura accionaria y compromiso con el desarrollo sostenible ENSA Grupo EPM es una compañía mixta, donde el Estado panameño posee el 48.3% de las acciones, mientras que el 51% pertenece a Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM), y el 0.7% restante está en manos de antiguos colaboradores del desaparecido Instituto de Recursos Hidráulicos y Electrificación (IRHE). La entrega del cheque fue realizada por Santiago Díaz, presidente ejecutivo de ENSA Grupo EPM, junto a Arie Cartagena, vicepresidente de Finanzas. Ambos destacaron el compromiso de la empresa con la sostenibilidad y la generación de beneficios para sus accionistas, entre ellos el Estado panameño. El viceministro de Finanzas, Fausto Fernández, recibió el cheque en representación del Gobierno Nacional. Es importante resaltar que esta colaboración público-privada es un ejemplo de cómo el
Es la temporada; IMHPA pronostica lluvias y mar picado hasta el 25 de diciembre; No más niños quemados; DGI intensifica inspecciones y multas por incumplimiento.

Deciembre 13, 2024 Es la temporada… Hoy no te voy a ofrecer una alegre canción navideña, pero sí te voy a dar una llamada de atención seria si no prestas atención al artículo de esta semana. Las fiestas no solo son un tiempo de alegría, también son la temporada ideal para robos, estafas y allanamientos. Solo en la última semana, hemos visto un aumento de delitos: robos en vehículos, estafadores atacando a personas mayores, robos audaces en centros comerciales, robos internos por parte de empleados y una ola de carteristas y hurtos en tiendas. Aunque estos incidentes no son completamente inusuales, la alarmante velocidad con la que están ocurriendo esta temporada es motivo de una seria preocupación. Mantente Vigilante La Seguridad Personal es lo Primero Protege tus pertenencias y nunca dejes objetos en tu automóvil. Ya sea que estés de compras, cenando fuera o haciendo mandados, especialmente transferencias bancarias, mantén tus objetos de valor contigo. Incluso si hay guardias de seguridad uniformados y armados presentes, no supongas que te protegerán. Los guardias pueden actuar como un disuasivo, pero durante las fiestas, la desesperación alcanza nuevas alturas y los riesgos aumentan dramáticamente. Uno de los errores más comunes que vemos en diciembre es que las personas dejan los regalos de Navidad recién comprados en sus autos en los estacionamientos de los centros comerciales. Van de tienda en tienda, depositando su botín ganado con esfuerzo en el maletero o el asiento trasero, solo para regresar y encontrar que les han robado el automóvil. En segundos, los ladrones se llevan tus regalos, dejándote con pérdidas económicas, daños al vehículo y tiempo perdido. Presentar una denuncia formal se convierte en un proceso largo y frustrante. Y no esperes mucha ayuda de los centros comerciales: a menudo carecen de los recursos, y en algunos casos, las cámaras que ves por todo tu centro comercial favorito ni siquiera están funcionando. Otro problema evidente es retirar grandes sumas de dinero, como los ahorros de Navidad anuales, del banco y dejarlos en tu auto mientras vas a almorzar en una fonda cercana. No seas descuidado. Esto es una invitación abierta al desastre. Mantén tu dinero seguro y nunca lo dejes sin vigilancia. El Panorama General Las Presiones Socioeconómicas Impulsan el Crimen Entender las presiones sociales detrás de este aumento en los delitos es crucial. Panamá tiene una población de aproximadamente 4.6 millones (2023), con alrededor del 60%—es decir, 2.76 millones—en edad laboral. De estos, se estima que el 20% gana solo el salario mínimo, es decir, unas 552,000 personas. En 2024, el salario mínimo mensual promedio oscila entre $400 y $700, dependiendo del tipo de trabajo y la ubicación, con una tarifa por hora de $2.00 a $3.50. Empareja estas cifras con otra estadística preocupante aproximadamente 1,380,000 personas en Panamá viven por debajo del umbral de pobreza de EE. UU., que es de $27,700 anuales para una familia de cuatro. Aunque $27,700 (o aproximadamente $2,300 al mes) puede parecer una cantidad razonable, muchas familias en Panamá deben juntar recursos para sobrevivir, a menudo bajo condiciones de pobreza. Estas presiones financieras aumentan durante las fiestas, creando un ambiente propenso a los delitos oportunistas. La Prevención es Clave Esta temporada navideña la vigilancia es tu mejor defensa. Mantente alerta a tu entorno, asegura tus pertenencias y evita riesgos innecesarios. No confíes en otros—como los guardias de seguridad o los centros comerciales—para protegerte. La prevención y la precaución son tus mejores herramientas para garantizar una temporada navideña segura y alegre. TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: ¡Advertencia! IMHPA Pronostica Lluvias y Mar Picado hasta el 25 de Diciembre El Instituto de Meteorología e Hidrología de Panamá (IMHPA) informó que se espera la presencia de lluvias continuas en las provincias de Panamá Oeste, Coclé y Herrera hasta el 25 de diciembre de 2024. Este pronóstico incluye lluvias de variada intensidad, acompañadas por posibles tormentas eléctricas en algunos sectores. Aviso del IMHPA por Mar Picado y Oleajes fuertes El IMHPA también emitió un aviso de precaución por mar picado y oleajes fuertes, que se mantendrán hasta el sábado 14 de diciembre. Estas condiciones marítimas adversas podrían afectar las actividades de navegación y pesca en las costas del Pacífico panameño. Recomendaciones Las autoridades instan a la población a tomar medidas preventivas: El IMHPA continúa monitoreando las condiciones climáticas y recomienda seguir las instrucciones de los organismos de protección civil para garantizar la seguridad de todos los ciudadanos. LEA ARTICULO ORIGINAL AQUI Parque Natural Metropolitano Cuenta con Plan de Uso Público Con la finalidad de llevar a cabo una gestión sostenible y la conservación de la biodiversidad, el Ministerio de Ambiente (MiAmbiente) hizo oficial el Plan de Uso Público del Parque Natural Metropolitano, una de las principales áreas protegidas de la ciudad de Panamá. La directora del Parque Natural Metropolitano, Dinora Vásquez, resaltó que este plan de uso contribuye a organizar actividades de turismo, educación ambiental y la investigación científica. Asimismo, resaltó que permite la planificación para futuros proyectos como la creación de nuevos senderos. El Plan de Uso Público del parque fue oficializado este miércoles 11 de diciembre por el titular de Ambiente, Juan Carlos Navarro, quien afirmó que el plan permite reglamentar el uso público del parque de manera sostenible. Ennio Arcia, vicepresidente del patronato del parque, destacó la biodiversidad, ubicación y rol histórico del parque, resaltando la importancia de definir su categoría de manejo a fin de garantizar su protección a largo plazo. De acuerdo con datos de MiAmbiente, el Parque Natural Metropolitano cuenta con más de 232 hectáreas de bosque tropical, alberga 418 especies de vertebrados y 633 plantas. También es un pulmón verde estratégico para la ciudad y un centro clave para la investigación científica y la educación ambiental. LEA ARTICULO ORIGINAL AQUI Minsa Lanza Campaña “No más Niños Quemados” Durante las Fiestas de Navidad y Fin de Año El Ministerio de Salud (MINSA), en coordinación con el Cuerpo de Bomberos de Panamá y la Asociación de Municipios de Panamá (AMUPA), lanzó la campaña “No más niños quemados” y firmó un convenio para fortalecer el control sobre la
Caos por el Día de las Madres; Suspensión Temporal de Obras en las Principales Vías; Recomendaciones de Seguridad para Fin de Año; La Alcaldía de Panamá Anuncia la Fecha para el Retiro de Calcomanías y Placas en Diciembre.

Diciembre 06, 2024 Celebrando el Día de la Madre en Panamá: Un Día de Amor, Caos y Tráfico El Día de la Madre en Panamá, que se celebra cada 8 de diciembre, es una tradición profundamente significativa que honra a las madres por su amor, dedicación y sacrificios. Esta festividad tan apreciada tiene raíces históricas, moldeadas por una mezcla única de influencias religiosas y culturales. Dado que este año la celebración cae en domingo, los panameños disfrutarán de un bono adicional: el lunes es feriado, lo que brinda a las familias más tiempo para celebrar.Sin embargo, por muy hermosa que sea la ocasión, las festividades traen consigo sus desafíos, particularmente el legendario tráfico que caracteriza los días previos al Día de la Madre. Por qué Panamá celebra el Día de la Madre el 8 de diciembreLa celebración del Día de la Madre en Panamá el 8 de diciembre tiene una significancia histórica y religiosa. En 1924, el Rotary Club de Panamá propuso el 11 de mayo como Día de la Madre, lo cual fue aprobado por el entonces presidente Belisario Porras. Sin embargo, en 1930, una hermandad de mujeres católicas solicitó a la Asamblea Nacional cambiar la fecha al 8 de diciembre, alineándola con la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción, un día dedicado a la Virgen María, una figura que representa el amor y la devoción maternos.La petición fue aceptada mediante la Ley 69 de 1930, declarando oficialmente el 8 de diciembre como el día para honrar a todas las madres panameñas. Este cambio refleja las fuertes tradiciones católicas del país, convirtiendo el Día de la Madre no solo en una celebración familiar, sino también en una festividad religiosa para muchos. Cómo celebrar el Día de la Madre en Panamá El enredo del tráfico: qué esperar antes del Día de la MadreAunque el Día de la Madre es una celebración conmovedora, también trae un desafío anual: el caos del tráfico. Este año, la convergencia del Día de la Madre, los preparativos para las fiestas y las actividades financieras aumentan la congestión. Consejos para navegar el caos• Retira temprano: Si participas en un plan de ahorro navideño, intenta retirar los fondos temprano en la semana para evitar la aglomeración.• Compra con antelación: Compra regalos y víveres con anticipación para evitar las multitudes.• Sal temprano: Ya sea que viajes o vayas a un evento, planifica salir horas antes para tener en cuenta el tráfico.• Quédate cerca: Opta por celebraciones cercanas para minimizar el estrés de los viajes.• Usa transporte público: El estacionamiento será un caos, por lo que considera tomar buses o usar servicios de transporte como Uber. Una celebración que vale la penaEl Día de la Madre en Panamá es más que un simple feriado; es un momento para reflexionar sobre el amor, la fortaleza y la devoción de las madres. A pesar de los atascos de tráfico, los centros comerciales abarrotados y los dolores de cabeza logísticos, la alegría de pasar tiempo de calidad con la familia hace que todo valga la pena.Este 8 de diciembre, mientras celebras a las increíbles madres de tu vida, tómate un momento para apreciar las profundas raíces culturales y religiosas de la festividad. Y recuerda, ya sea que enfrentes el tráfico o disfrutes de un día tranquilo en casa, el amor y la gratitud que demuestres significarán el mundo para mamá. TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Suspenden Temporalmente Obras en las Principales Vías del País este Fin de Semana La Autoridad del Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre (ATTT), en conjunto con la Dirección de Operaciones del Tránsito de la Policía Nacional, ha anunciado una importante medida para garantizar la fluidez vehicular durante el feriado por el Día de las Madres. A partir de las 12:00 p.m. del viernes 6 de diciembre hasta las 11:00 p.m. del lunes 9 de diciembre de 2024, se suspenderán todas las obras, trabajos y actividades que impliquen la ocupación de los carriles de circulación en las principales arterias viales del país. Principales vías y carreteras La suspensión será desde importantes tramos de la Carretera Panamericana, específicamente desde La Espiga, en La Chorrera, hasta la Frontera en Paso Canoas. Principio del formulario Igualmente, desde la intersección con el Corredor Sur hasta el distrito de Chepo, se verán libres de interrupciones. Además de estos tramos de la Carretera Panamericana, la medida incluye la prohibición de trabajos en otras vías principales que conectan a las distintas regiones del país. Entre las arterias viales más importantes se encuentran: La suspensión de los trabajos busca facilitar el desplazamiento de los ciudadanos durante un largo fin de semana, especialmente en un periodo en que las celebraciones y desplazamientos hacia otras provincias suelen aumentar. Además, las autoridades de tránsito esperan que, al liberar las vías más transitadas de trabajos viales, se reduzcan los tiempos de viaje y se disminuyan los riesgos de accidentes relacionados con las obras en curso. La ATTT exhorta a los conductores a tomar las precauciones necesarias durante este periodo, por lo que se recomienda: LEE ARTICULO ORIGINAL AQUI Estas son las Recomendaciones de Seguridad de la Policía por el Movimiento Económico de Fin de Año Al entrar el mes de diciembre, el movimiento económico a nivel nacional se incrementa por el desembolso de ahorros navideños y el pago de la tercera partida del décimo tercer mes. De acuerdo con el calendario de pago del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, este viernes 6 de diciembre se hará efectivo el pago del décimo tercer mes en el sector público. En ese sentido, la Policía Nacional promueve diferentes medidas de seguridad a nacionales y extranjeros, y de esta forma evitar ser víctimas de los malhechores. La Policía informó que se mantienen los patrullajes en áreas comerciales, bancarias y residenciales con la finalidad de garantizar la seguridad. Vale recordar que el 15 de diciembre, la empresa privada pagará el décimo tercer mes. LEE ARTICULO ORIGINAL AQUI Inauguran Exhibición de Piezas Arqueológicas Panameñas Recuperadas Las autoridades inauguraron la exhibición “Herencia recuperada: nuestro legado vuelve a casa”, la cual estará abierta al público de manera gratuita en
Writer’s block; This Weekend There Will Be a Nationwide Massive Vaccination Campaign; Tropical Wave No. 1: Rain Surveillance Advisory Issued; Government Signs and Publishes Decree in Official Gazette Regarding Firefighters’ Promotions; These are Some of the Best Writing Tips I’ve Seen

Friday, June 02, 2023 Writer\’s block sucks. It’s a good thing, I’m not a writer, eh? This morning I had the opportunity to talk with two teachers from my boys’ school. Both of them got bad grades on a final this semester and they requested a meeting with me. With me?? Why me? I’m the dad, go talk to the mom! Anyways, we talked and I was intent on getting down to solving the problem. But what I got out of the meeting was something better. They both painted a picture of my kids as being good boys, very respectful and good natured in general. Yes, I care about their grades, but screw that! The best point of my day has been listening to someone of authority talk about how awesome my boys are (other than one bad test). So I’m floating on cloud 9 today and no-one can take that away from me, not even writer’s block… TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Yoli’s Wisdom GOVERNMENT DECLARES STATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY Government declares State of Environmental Emergency. On Tuesday, May 30th, the State of Environmental Emergency was declared by the National Government in a Cabinet Council, due to the prolonged dry season experienced by the country. The climatic conditions affecting the world, such as high temperatures, evaporation, and lack of rainfall, are a prelude to the possible arrival of El Niño phenomenon, as reported by the Ministry of Environment. The Western region, located in the province of Chiriquí and a center of agricultural production in the country, is forecasted to experience a decrease in rainfall. Prior to the approval of the State of Environmental Emergency, a presentation on \”Scenarios of Climate Change: Vision 2030, 2050, and 2070\” was given to the State ministers by Dr. Ligia Castro, Director of Climate Change at the Ministry of Environment, and Eng. Berta Alicia Olmedo, Deputy Director of the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. The Ministry of Agricultural Development, Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers, Ministry of Environment, National Authority of Public Services, and the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Panama are the authorized entities to carry out the necessary special contracts to address the State of Environmental Emergency, according to the approved resolution. READ HERE: GOBIERNO DECLARA ESTADO DE EMERGENCIA AMBIENTAL PANAMA CANAL DOES NOT RULE OUT EXTREME MEASURES DUE TO DROUGHT The Panama Canal, as an extreme measure, would have to limit the transit of ships. The administrator of the Panama Canal, Ricaurte Vásquez Morales, stated in a statement released on Thursday that, if the drought continues in the Central American country, they will have to decide, as an \”extreme measure,\” to limit daily transits through the canal from the current 36 vessels to a maximum of 28. \”The Panama Canal, as an extreme measure, would have to make the decision to limit the number of transits through the Panama Canal. Let\’s see what this means: currently, we transit between 35 and 36 vessels per day. We would have to reduce it to 32 to 28, those are extreme situations,\” Vásquez said in a video. This announcement comes in the same week when the Panamanian government declared a state of environmental emergency due to the prolongation of the dry season, which is causing water supply problems. The measure is based on the fact that high temperatures, evaporation, and lack of rainfall are precursors to the possible arrival of an El Niño phenomenon. The artificial lakes of Alhajuela and Gatun, which supply water to over half of the country\’s population and the Panama Canal, \”have been drastically reduced due to the prolongation of the dry season,\” according to the government\’s report. Years of warning The administrator of the Panama Canal, through which around 3% of global trade passes, stated that the \”climate emergency is a topic\” they have been warning about for many years. \”We simply never knew in which year a case like the one we are experiencing now would occur, but it could happen at any time. The last period of intense drought we had was in 2019-2020, and these cycles usually repeat once every five years. What we are seeing now is that it is repeating once every three years. That should alert us to the urgency,\” he emphasized. During the severe drought Panama experienced in 2019, the maximum draft in the neopanamax locks, which are used by vessels passing through the expansion inaugurated in 2016, temporarily decreased to 44 feet (13.4 meters), resulting in a drop in toll revenue. On April 19, the Panama Canal implemented its fifth draft restriction for neopanamax vessels, which are three times larger than those crossing the century-old locks, offering them a draft of 47.5 feet instead of the maximum allowed 50 feet, thus reducing cargo volume. According to Vásquez, the \”climate impact\” and its effect on water availability should be discussed, as it is a problem that affects various sectors such as agriculture and energy consumption. Guaranteeing water for 50 years In addition to ensuring that it uses \”less water per transit,\” the Panama Canal is awaiting the results of research work with which they hope to \”make a national proposal to resolve the water issue, at least in the operation of the Canal and human consumption, for the next 50 years.\” For now, one of the measures the Canal is implementing to reduce consumption, explained Vásquez, is to transfer \”water from one side of the lock to the other,\” as well as to \”schedule transits in such a way that\” they can reuse the maximum amount of water \”within each chamber to accommodate more vessels.\” The passage of ships through these locks occurs through the filling and emptying of water to allow the vessels to navigate through sections of different levels in the Canal. \”So far, transit has not been affected. The only early warning we have is the fact that fewer vessels are arriving in Panama. That is, we used to receive 40 arrivals every day, and now that number has
Vacations; Events that the Regional Disaster Response and Humanitarian Assistance Simulation will recreate in Panama; Social Security Fund (CSS) and Ministry of Health (Minsa) Recommend the Use of Masks due to Influenza Cases; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Informs that Panamanian Citizens Can Travel to Canada Without a Visa; My English Teacher Mr Gabriel

Friday, June 09, 2023 We’re all traveling around the Midwest right now, visiting moms, entertaining sisters, riding bike trails, getting the flu, eating cheese curds and getting in a Packers game. Enjoy this week’s newsletter and check out End Notes catch a bit from my scholarly past. TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Yoli’s Wisdom WHAT EVENTS WILL THE REGIONAL SIMULATION RECREATE IN PANAMA? The passage of a tropical wave will be one of the events that will be simulated. The III Regional Simulation of Disaster Response and Humanitarian Assistance should not disrupt the regular performance of daily tasks, clarified the Ministry of Government on Wednesday. According to the institution, from June 13th to 16th, regular work and classes will continue as scheduled. The Joint Task Force has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the simulation does not disrupt the country\’s activities. The event will simulate a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, a tropical wave, a cyber attack, and a biological threat. For this purpose, there will be various scenarios with collapsed structures, building fires, hydrocarbon spills, and water rescues. \”We urge the population to remain calm and undisturbed, and to follow the recommendations and guidelines of the participating experts,\” the statement reads. These evacuation exercises will be carried out only in pre-selected locations starting at 12:05 noon, beginning on Tuesday, June 13th, at schools, hospitals, and government institutions that have been previously trained. The evacuation processes will be supervised by members of the Joint Task Force, who will guide the participants in the exercises. Likewise, prepared and trained communities from the provinces of Chiriquí, Coclé, Darién, and Herrera will also participate, after undergoing six months of preparation. \”Messages will be sent to cell phones. Alerts will be activated for the first time through a program that has received significant investment,\” commented the Minister of Government, Roger Tejada. The purpose of the simulation is to test mechanisms, tools, and technical guidelines for emergency response in disasters. READ HERE: ¿QUÉ EVENTOS RECREARÁ EN PANAMÁ EL SIMULACRO REGIONAL? CORTIZO HONORS FIVE PANAMANIANS FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE COUNTRY\’S DEVELOPMENT Cortizo presented the recognition to the writer Álvaro Menéndez Franco. A group of five Panamanians received the General Victoriano Lorenzo Medal for their contributions to the country\’s development, presented by President Laurentino Cortizo on Wednesday, June 7. The medals were awarded during a ceremony held at the Belisario Porras Palace, the headquarters of the Governor\’s Office in the province of Panama. The recognition was received by Álvaro Menéndez Franco and Adán Ríos, while posthumously awarded to Idian Reiss Flores, better known as Sor Lourdes, Haralambos Bobby Tzanetatos, and Evangelos Koumanis. Cortizo emphasized that all of them are, and have been, Panamanian citizens whose lives have contributed to the human and economic growth of the country. \”I have had the opportunity to know some of those who are being honored today, some who are present here and others who live in our memories and in our hearts,\” said the President. He added, \”It is truly gratifying to reward these five compatriots with the honors bestowed upon them by the homeland, and with the recognition and gratitude of the citizens for their contributions to the nation.\” In his remarks, Cortizo referred to Menéndez Franco as an intellectual with great militancy, a tireless warrior with a deep passion for all things Panamanian. Regarding Ríos, it was highlighted that he was an outstanding doctor and oncologist, proudly raised in the El Chorrillo neighborhood, who has made significant contributions in the fight against cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). As for Tzanetatos, the President highlighted his humanitarian vocation, his big heart, and social vision, always thinking about the common good. Cortizo recalled that Sor Lourdes dedicated her life with great devotion to caring for children in vulnerable conditions, providing them with a home and opportunities for their development. Regarding Koumanis, he described him as a joyful, supportive, selfless man with unwavering principles and values. \”He was an example of what can be achieved through entrepreneurship, effort, and sacrifice, contributing to the construction of a better society,\” he said. READ HERE: CORTIZO CONDECORA A CINCO PANAMEÑOS POR SU CONTRIBUCIÓN AL DESARROLLO DEL PAÍS USE OF MASKS: THE REASON WHY THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND THE SOCIAL SECURITY FUND RECOMMEND IT Due to cases of influenza, the Social Security Fund (CSS) and the Ministry of Health (MINSA) recommend the use of masks. The Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the Social Security Fund (CSS) have made a recommendation to the public regarding the use of masks due to the increase in influenza cases in the country. The entities are carrying out mass vaccination campaigns in different parts of the country and have administered thousands of doses to prevent the spread of the virus. \”In light of the increase in AH1N1 influenza cases in the country, health authorities inform that the mandatory use of masks remains in effect in all healthcare facilities and for patients with chronic diseases, as established by Executive Decree No. 101 of July 1, 2022,\” states the communication. Dr. Yelkys Gill, National Executive Director of Health Services and Benefits, emphasized that the use of masks will be essential in the following cases: The authorities reiterate that the population must maintain the biosecurity measures implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic, such as constant hand washing, the use of masks in crowded places, by individuals aged 60 and above, and by chronic patients to prevent contagion. READ HERE: USO DE MASCARILLAS: LA RAZÓN POR QUE EL MINSA Y LA CSS LO RECOMIENDAN \”CIUDAD DE LA SALUD WILL BE DELIVERED IN ADVANCE, CSS REPORTS Ciudad de la Salud. The Social Security Fund (CSS) reported that they are preparing for an early delivery of the Ciudad de la Salud (City of Health) according to the agreed-upon date in the contract, as confirmed by Engineer Rogelio Robles, the project manager of Ciudad de la Salud. They hope that the phases could be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2023. In the follow-up meeting,
The Latest Family Adventure; Ensa, Power Outages in Colón and San Miguelito; Minsa Opens Vaccination Center at Parque Omar; Panama and the Region Assess Response Capacity to Risks; Property Highlights; Some Pictures of our Vacation

Friday, June 16, 2023 Never has the world experienced such a compelling personality dreamt of or divined, as that of my Queen, Sayira. Always at the ready for the latest family adventure, always thinking ahead to our internal mini-celebrations and always happy to make us happy, she truly is the spark that keeps our family alive. Last week, we all went on a quick adventure to my home state of Wisconsin. Well, first we stopped off at Chicago to visit the Field Museum, swim in sprinkles at the Museum of Ice Cream, eat deep dish pizza, watch the Taylor Swift concert from the rooftop of a neighboring building, watch the Navey Pier fireworks and go around their Ferris wheel, and get bludgeoned with insults at the Weiner Circle. Young Brandon was flipped off by one of the cute waitresses too, and all he did was say thanks for the hot dog… …check out the video: Then it was on the Sparta-Elroy trail. I’ve found that maps don’t really give you the proper feel of distance; you truly need to ride the trail to understand what 20 miles is really like on a bicycle. The trail used to be a train path that passed through 3 tunnels. They decommissioned the trains and removed the tracks years ago, opening the possibility of locals and travelers an experience like no other. The temperature of the tunnels drops so drastically, that you can feel the cold from them at least 200 yards before arriving. The water filtrating through created these massive stalactites that need to be removed every now and again and the walls look and feel like slick marble. It’s cold enough to where you see your breath and the drops of “rain” cause chills on contact with exposed skin. The next three days weren’t the greatest though as all of us got sick with the flu. First me, then Brandon, Sayira and Brett Jr in that order seemingly each within 12 hours of the other. I won’t go into the details, but if you’ve ever heard of Montezuma’s Revenge, all I can say is that he’s a worthy foe who I never want to meet up with again. On our way back we took in a Brewer’s game. They lost to the seemingly paltry Oakland A’s 2-1 in overtime, but the game was still filled with excitement and a few amazing plays by both teams. But alas, it was time to return. I think the only thing I don’t like about coming back to Panama is that gust of hot air we get coming off the plane while still on the tarmac. Wow, it gets hot out there, eh? TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Yoli’s Wisdom WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY: LEARN WHICH BLOOD TYPES ARE MOST NEEDED World Blood Donor Day. Every June 14th, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated to express gratitude to all individuals who voluntarily donate blood and help save lives. It also aims to promote better measures to ensure universal access to safe blood transfusions. In Panama, Elvin López has become one of these heroes since he made the decision to become a voluntary blood donor in 2001. Undoubtedly, the countless lives he has managed to save are remarkable. \”I come every four months to donate and do it to help those in need. Additionally, they conduct blood tests here that allow me to know about my health,\” shared López, who currently works at the Panama Canal Authority (ACP). During the months of April and May of this year, there was a slight increase in the number of donors, surpassing a thousand people. \”Despite these figures, it is never enough, and this is a practice that should be encouraged, considering that blood is the only medicine that cannot be manufactured,\” emphasized Arthur Bradley, the medical technologist in charge of the Blood Donation Center at the Social Security Fund (CSS). Bradley added that the most required blood type is O+, while O- and AB- are the most difficult to obtain. Requirements According to the Social Security Fund (CSS), the main requirements to be a blood donor are: This process takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes and can be done at two centers of the institution located at: READ HERE: DÍA MUNDIAL DEL DONANTE DE SANGRE: CONOZCA QUÉ TIPOS DE SANGRE SON LOS MÁS REQUERIDOS ENSA, WITHOUT POWER: SECTORS IN COLÓN AND SAN MIGUELITO GET READY! ENSA, without power: Areas in Colón and San Miguelito, get ready! Elektra Noreste S.A. (ENSA) has announced that they will carry out various power supply interruptions on Saturday, June 17, 2023, in different sectors of the Colón province and the San Miguelito district. These are maintenance works by the company to ensure reliable energy supply to all homes in our concession area. In the San Miguelito district, Amelia Denis de Icaza and Pan de Azúcar townships will experience a 4-hour power outage (9:30 a.m. – 01:30 p.m.). ENSA explains that the task involves maintenance work on the electrical network. In the Colón province, there will also be interruptions in the following townships: A total of 1945 customers are expected to be without electricity for 4 to 5 hours. ENSA Communiqué Meanwhile, in the Ancón township, Panama district, the Camino de Cruces residential area will be affected by a power outage due to maintenance work by ENSA for a duration of 5 hours from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. READ HERE: ENSA, SIN LUZ: SECTORES EN COLÓN Y SAN MIGUELITO ¡PREPÁRENSE! CUSTOMS INFORMS TRANSPORTERS OF RULES FOR ENTERING EL SALVADOR Customs. The National Customs Authority informs international land freight transporters that starting from Saturday, July 17, every cargo unit entering El Salvador will be required to have a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, which has three designated placement points in Panama. Customs: Placement points for labels in Panama What are radio frequency tags? Radiofrequency identification (RFID) tags are intelligent tags that store data to be transmitted via radiofrequency to RFID readers or antennas. The tags,
Who’s Stupid?; How to Obtain Legal Eligibility to be a Lawyer in Panama? We Explain; Municipality Announces Moratorium on Fine Payments; Government to Manage Resources to Activate the ‘Amber Alert’; My Favorite Comedians

Friday, June 23, 2023 “Panamanians are stupid!”, the random newbie expat reported on the Facebook thread. Man, that got my blood boiling. I don’t know if his insult was unintentional as he made a poor play at being innocently playful or if this banter was just simply some profound level of ignorance. I’m leaning towards profound ignorance… Ironically it came from a U.S. expat. Ironic, because we all know how us gringos are the best at everything, right? And where Panama may have a few “stupid people”, the US absolutely excels at stupidity Canada too though, right? I mean, you’ll note how in Panama, there’ll be that one guy who gets into a heated argument with an unsuspecting telephone pole, but the northern hemisphere seems to consistently elect our village idiots to public office…. …yep, aaaaaall the way to the top… I responded to random newbie expat, rebutting his “Panamanians are stupid!” comment simply pointing out how those types of comments, whilst he probably felt them to be good-natured humor, still insults the locals. We really need to shy away from insulting the locals – as good-natured as you can be, calling anyone stupid will never come off as humorous by the intended party. That being said, local politicians are still fair game especially during hunting season (oops, I meant “election season”) and the season is open folks!! You’ll be getting a few doses of intended insults out of me in the months to come. TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Yoli’s Wisdom WOMAN WHO STOLE A BABY FROM A SUPERMARKET IS BROUGHT BEFORE A MAGISTRATE JUDGE Woman Who Stole a Baby from a Supermarket is Brought Before a Magistrate The Public Ministry (MP) reported that in the next few hours, they will bring a woman apprehended for her alleged involvement in the deprivation of liberty of a baby before a magistrate judge. The incident occurred yesterday at a commercial establishment located in Penonomé. Apparently, the 24-year-old woman who abducted a minor in a supermarket in Penonomé, Coclé, had deceived her relatives by claiming that the baby was hers after losing her own child. Thanks to the quick action of the National Police and the help of the citizens, the capture was made, and the baby was returned to its parents. The baby\’s aunt received him at the police substation in the province of Panama Oeste, in the city of San Carlos. Upon receiving him, Irasema Gallardo expresses her gratitude to the citizens for recovering the child, who will travel to the province of Coclé, his place of origin. READ HERE: MUJER QUE ROBÓ A BEBÉ DE UN SUPERMERCADO ES LLEVADA ANTE UN JUEZ DE GARANTÍA THEY ANNOUNCE MORATORIUM FOR THE PAYMENT OF FINES, WHAT ARE THEY AND HOW TO APPLY? Municipal Treasury of Panama. The Municipal Treasury of Panama, under the Panama City Municipality, announced that as of June 12th, the moratorium period for the payment of fines related to \”non-submission of the Income Statement\” and \”omission in the Declaration Audit\” has begun. According to the entity, taxpayers who have paid 50% of the overdue taxes will be eligible for a 50% waiver of the remaining amount. To benefit from this moratorium, interested individuals must have submitted the most recent Income Statement (for 2022) and have the documentation related to the inconsistencies in the requested declarations. If unable to pay the full debt, you will have the option to negotiate a payment plan with the Enforcement Department and authorized Execution Courts. Additionally, you may benefit from a 25% discount on the fine, calculated as follows: This benefit is established in Agreement 150, issued on June 6 of the current year, and is based on Article 14 of Law 106 of 1973. The moratorium period will be in effect until July 15. For more information, you can contact the following numbers: 202-9464 and 506-9600, or send an email to READ HERE: ANUNCIAN MORATORIA PARA EL PAGO DE MULTAS, ¿CUÁLES SON Y CÓMO APLICAR? THEY WILL HIRE THREE COMPANIES FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION Cabinet Council. The Cabinet Council approved on Tuesday the temporary contracting between the Urban and Domiciliary Cleaning Authority (AAUD) and three companies that will provide the service of collection, transportation, and final disposal of urban, commercial, and residential waste at the Cerro Patacón landfill in three areas of Panama City. The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, pointed out that the measure seeks to establish the concept of a Clean City developed through Conaseo, which aims to provide a responsible, optimal, and uninterrupted garbage collection service in the 26 districts of the capital. He emphasized that the contracting responds to the high growth in demand from urban, residential, and commercial clients of AAUD, totaling over 1.2 million inhabitants who produce 1,689 tons of waste daily, as a response to the environmental crisis at the Cerro Patacón landfill. According to the contracts authorized by the Cabinet, the Covella Panama Consortium will provide services in Zone 1, which includes the districts of San Felipe, El Chorrillo, Santa Ana, Calidonia, Curundú, Ancón (excluding the Panama Canal Authority), Bella Vista, Betania, and Pueblo Nuevo. It was also reported that the company Metropolitana de Aseo, S.A. E.S.P. EMA will handle the collection, transportation, and final disposal of waste in Zone 2, which includes the districts of Río Abajo, San Francisco, Parque Lefevre, Juan Díaz, and Don Bosco. Meanwhile, the company Pronto Aseo, S.A. will provide the same services in Zone 3, covering the districts of Chilibre, Las Cumbres, Alcalde Díaz, Ernesto Córdoba, and Caimitillo. The AAUD will be responsible for Zone 4, which includes the districts of Pacora, San Martín, Las Mañanitas, 24 de Diciembre, Las Garzas, and Pedregal. A temporary online contract was made for one year for the three collection zones with an investment of $24 million. The start of operations of the companies in their respective zones will be announced. On the other hand, with prior authorization from the Agri-food Chain, composed of producers, input distributors, and importers, the Cabinet approved
The Therapeutic Bird; Photo Traffic Tickets by Email Begins in July; UTP Ranks as One of the Best in the World; Koreans Exchange Experiences on Waste Management; Bird Species of Panama

Friday, June 30, 2023 First of all, I didn’t get last week’s newsletter out to the Whatsapp group as I was in the process of changing phones from one carrier to another and upgrading phones as well. What a f$%&ing nightmare that’s been. Long story short… …sorry, eh! I hope you caught it on one of the other outlets. Secondly, wow, what a week for us. On Sunday, I was working on my Honey-Do list. One of the tasks was to install a protective strip to the doors of our cars to avoid dings and damage to others from abruptly opening our doors. Anyways, I’m sitting on the ground with a rubber mallet in one hand and pliers in the other when suddenly this “Plop TWEET!” sound startled me. I swiveled to the right and saw this parakeet laying there on its back just 3 feet away. It had just fallen from the sky where this flock of several hundred parakeets were swarming around looking for their nests as they normally do in Panama around that time (530pm-ish). Knowing exactly what to do, I gently scooped him/her up and walked briskly to the house, into the kitchen area where Queen Sayira was blowdrying our spoiled maltipoo, Zeus. “Titi”, as I affectionately call her “Look!” She turned around and gasped, immediately forgetting about the dripping mop of a dog and scurrying to take things into her hands. She had that same, “Oh no, my child needs me” look on her face that I usually only see her have with animals, or at least not nearly as much as with our own kids. I think the bird was a female, as it immediately Munched on her finger when it didn’t do anything to me at all. You know, prolly cause I got that special touch wit da ladies. Anywho…. Apparently, rescuing this bird was the best thing that could have happened to us in a while. I had no idea, but that beautiful soul of a wife I’m fortunate enough to share a home with, has been keeping in some repressed emotions of pain and sorrow. Nearly 25 years ago, prior to us being a couple, she lost some parakeets that she had as pets. More than pets, they were a part of her home. No cages, no restrictions, they just stayed with her for company and a steady supply of food. Add a crafty neighborhood cat into the mix and disaster struck. She was forced to pick up the pieces and watch as the only survivor flew away from her in terror, never to be seen by her again. Receiving this poor, chompy bird into her life was exactly what she needed. She sat there with this injured bird, crying for quite some time, while our oldest boy Brett Jr helped out by blowdrying Zeus (AKA Mr Drippy). The bird slowly regained its strength, spent the night with us and after eating some banana and getting a bath that it may or may not have wanted, a bloody-fingered Sayira decided it was time to see if it could take flight. And flight it took!! No sooner did she release it did it take off like a shot and then curved back spanning it wings fully chirping and squawking like crazy, probably calling out to its crew, and they immediately answered. And she was gone. (Yes, “she”.) Later that Monday evening, Sayira told me how much it meant to her to have had the opportunity to save that one mini being. It was for her, in a sense, a way of vindicating herself from what happened so long ago. She had always unjustly blamed herself for that massacre so many years ago. There’s nothing better than to watch as a loved one is able to win over their own demons. TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Yoli’s Wisdom ATTT’S PHOTO TRAFFIC TICKETS BY EMAIL BEGIN IN JULY ATTT\’s photo traffic tickets by email begin in July. Starting from July 1, 2023, the Land Transit and Transportation Authority (ATTT) will begin the notification process via email for infractions captured through the \”Foto Multa\” system. The project was announced by the Authority through a press release. According to the press release, the ATTT clarified that this measure will be implemented as a trial and will not result in financial penalties. Additionally, the statement adds that this initiative is part of a plan to raise awareness among drivers. The objective of the Transit Authority is to prevent actions such as: The institution responsible for traffic in the country reiterates in the press release that this measure will be carried out as a trial and will not result in any fines, penalties, or monetary charges. In addition, it outlines the steps to follow in the notification and verification process of the infringement, such as sending the notification via email. It explains that the email will contain the control number and a web link that will allow the offender to access the site and verify the committed infringement. According to the ATTT, the email will provide the driver with the opportunity to review the validated infringement in digital format, including photos and vehicle details, so that they can understand the nature of the violation virtually. READ HERE: FOTO MULTAS DE LA ATTT POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO INICIA EN JULIO UTP IS POSITIONED AS ONE OF THE BEST IN THE WORLD UTP is positioned as one of the best in the world. The Technological University of Panama (UTP) has moved up in the global rankings, reaching the range of 951-1000 compared to last year, maintaining its position among the best universities worldwide. This achievement was highlighted in the latest ranking presented by the British consulting firm QS Quacquarelli Symonds (QS World University Rankings), 2024 edition. The evaluated aspect that contributes the most to this positioning is the recognition it enjoys from employers. Through a statement from the higher education institution, it explains that in this global QS ranking, which covered
Cheat. Why not?; Astronomical Events Calendar of July 2023; Attention! Road Closures for 10 Days: Here, the Affected Streets; Most Committed Crimes in Panama; Panamanian Recipes for breakfast

Friday, July 07, 2023 This morning I woke to this insatiable craving for blueberry pancakes. As usual, my queen was already stirring around the kitchen… …quite literally… …stirring her coffee, stirring pancake batter, and probably stirring a protein shake for later. The smells were amazing and I couldn’t wait to have some of her mystical creations with a few perfectly ripened blueberries we had left in the fridge. As she pulled away from the house with our loveable lads, in route to eagerly absorb the teachings of their socratic pedagogues, I happily snuck my way to the kitchen, giggling all the way. I know I shouldn’t have pancakes. I have a goal to lose weight and I’ve been keeping at it quite nicely these last 3 weeks since my birthday, but today I’m having my damn blueberry pancakes and I’m going to love it. Hoping there was left over batter, I checked the counters, fridge and even the freezer. Nope, no batter. “Darn it, now I’m actually going to have to make them myself from scratch!”, I whined to myself. But that’s ok because I was on a mission… So I grabbed the flour, baking powder, eggs, milk, coconut oil, salt and a little bit of sugar, at which point I started feeling nervous. I hadn’t had a gram of granulated sugar in a while. Nonetheless, I pushed ahead once again. I made the batter as I heated the pan and folded in these amazing blueberries. In a short time, I had more than enough to placate my urges; 6 to be exact. I mean, I wasn’t actually going to eat SIX pancakes, was I? No sir, I still need to stay true to myself and eat just ONE pancake. I’ve been doing great on my weight loss and there’s no need to fall apart now just because my brain was screaming at me to gobble them all down. So, I ate 3 of them. (Ugh.). In Spanish there’s a saying, “Primero el gusto y despues el disgusto.”, which loosely translates to “First the like and then the dislike.”. I was full-on disgusto after that. Ooohhhhh but they were sooooo good! “Oh hell.”, I thought, “let’s just call it a cheat meal and move on like it never happened.”, I tried to convince myself. I mean, if I say, “I had my cheat meal this morning.”, it’s sure as hell better sounding than “I cheated on my diet today!” or “I caved to my ancestral yearnings!”. This way, it’s sounds like it’s just a part of the diet plan. “I had my cheat meal this morning”, is perfectly ok. And that’s when it hit me…. We don’t use “cheat” as often as we should to cover for our daily pitfalls. Heck yeah, we need to use that more often. For example, if you fool around on your spouse or somehow significant other, don’t say “I cheated on my wife.”, just say “I had a cheat meet.” and it’s ok! Did you spend more than your scheduled family budget?, or, did you embezzle money from your boss’ company?, don’t confess to any failures silly man, just say, “I took a cheat bonus!”. I wonder how far we could go with this??? Hhhmmmm…. Murder? That’s probably taking it too far, but what if they “had it coming to them”? Nope, too dark even for me…. Although, in panama, this type of cheating is already pretty common. Here we just call it “jugando vivo” and the person that does it, is a “juegavivo”. If you’re new to Panama, learn it quick. If you’ve been on the ass-end of being played by a juegavivo, you’ve already been taught the intricacies of the term. Just my golden thoughts provoked by a delusional hunger. TOP NEWS and TIDBITS: Yoli’s Wisdom CSS HAS 605 DRUGS; THERE ARE STILL COMPLAINTS ABOUT SHORTAGES Discussion on expediting purchases of medicines and supplies. The Social Security Fund (CSS, for its initials in Spanish) has a total of 605 medicines listed in its official inventory, as reported on Thursday during the \”Conversation on streamlining the procurement of medicines and supplies.\” Out of this total, approximately 50 medicines are difficult to acquire. Eliécer Cortés, the national deputy director of Health Technology, explained that in 2022, the CSS dispensed 16,944,606 medicines, while in the first four months of 2023, there have been 5,712,938 dispensations. However, the reality for many Panamanians is that they are unable to obtain the medicines and find themselves in need of purchasing them with their own money. According to Cortés, it was decided to make the dispensation of medicines a state issue so that CSS pharmacies, as well as other healthcare entities, can be adequately supplied, and patients can have all the necessary medicines. For this purpose, the Technical Committee for Medicine Supply was created, with the participation of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the CSS, the regulatory entity for Pharmacies and Drugs, and the Association of Patients with Chronic Diseases. During the conversation, Medicsol was also discussed. It was created to provide an immediate response to patients in case of medicine shortages. Cortés specified that Medicsol is installed in the polyclinics and in some units in the city, with 12 lines of products, as well as in implementing units in Chiriquí. Negotiations are currently underway with suppliers to extend the plan to the central region of the country. Additionally, there are plans to expand the list so that patients can have an immediate response. Enrique Lau Cortés, the director of the CSS, stated that their objective is to pay suppliers within a maximum of 30 days. He added that with the endorsement of the Comptroller\’s Office and the budget allocation, the supplier can deliver the medicines, and they must pay as quickly as possible. Regarding the loss of fentanyl at the CSS, Lau Cortés mentioned that the institution detected this situation and that it is a matter in the hands of the Public Prosecutor\’s Office. He noted that he cannot provide any insights into this investigative process since it is up to the Public Prosecutor\’s Office to disclose what is happening. READ HERE: CSS TIENE 605 MEDICAMENTOS; AÚN HAY QUEJAS POR ESCASEZ