I Screwed up Quick Cook Grits; Running with Masks; We’re Adapting; Vaccine News; How to Properly Grill

The dermatological condition could be another symptom of COVID-19.

Monday, May 17, 2020

I don’t have a sophisticated palate nor do I think I’d want one.  I couldn’t be that picky with so many options out there.  It just isn’t in me to complain if my medium-rare steak comes out medium even at the most expensive restaurants.  I’ll also not demand that my lobster plate be garnished with the Caspian Sea’s coveted Beluga Caviar.  I am proud however of my augmented culinary tastes and abilities.  What I mean is that 1. If you put it in front of me, I will probably be willing to eat it and 2. I will take a stab at cooking just about anything and if it comes out good, I’ll do it again sometime.  This is a big deal coming from a corn-fed simpleton Midwesterner whose staple meal was quite literally corn, meat, potatoes and bread with a tall glass of frigid whole milk, … …during the entire first 18 years of his life.  That’s the advantage of living on a county where more than 20% of the land is used for farming.  Access to an abundance of Viking food, the likes no mortal could resist.  

The disadvantage is you start to look down right silly in even the most obscure places when you get served anything else for the first time.  My first week in Basic Training was a huge culinary culture shock.  At Fort Leonardwood, Missouri, we were right on the edge of north and south when it came to cuisine and with a little bit of cajun heat to boot.  My first shocker was how something that looks exactly like Cream of Wheat and served at breakfast, well… …wasn’t.  In all fairness, you didn’t get much time to actually look at your food, you just went down the line and they launched it on your plate.  You had to be quick, nimble and efficient, three things that did not define me at the time.  In a chow hall, as you sat down to enjoy your meal, you sat amongst people you didn’t know yet.  It was only a week in to hell and I think everyone was still scared stupid to talk, let alone make any friends.  I still had time to prepare my generous portion of “Cream of Wheat”, so I grabbed the butter (no comments from anyone), then the sugar (I could feel the inexplicable searing gaze of an angry man) and then just as I went to add the milk, “Private, what the hell are you doing with those Grits!??!”, he raged.  “What are grits, Drill Sergeant???”, I really had no idea.  “Do you think I’m stupid, private?!”  Trust me when I say, that you NEVER EEEVEEER answer that question… …but I did.  That’s when Staff Sergeant Pechuka lost it… …the first time… …because I’m a sarcastic dullard.  As he went on his tirade, I looked at the tray before me just as my battle buddy Bruce Mitchell pointed at my Cream of Wheats and said, “Those are grits.”  Then suddenly, after a barrage of classic insults, Mitchell and I both found ourselves outside in the front-leaning-rest position attempting to push the earth away from the sun.  I could only think to myself… Had I eaten?  What the heck is a grit?  Is it just a fancy word for Cream of Wheat?  Did I even get to try it?  I hope Drill Sergeant doesn’t actually think we can push this away from the sun… And as quickly as it started it was over.  Except for one thing.  My new nickname was Cream of Wheat.  Ah, but just for another week.  Because after that week, I screwed up even better!  But I’ll leave that story for another time

My boys love Cream of Wheat.  We ran out a week ago, but thanks to good friend Mike White, we did have some grits.  Did you know that grits have a half-life similar to that of Uranium-235? Anyways, we still had grits from this wonderful meal prepared by Uncle Mike, over 2 years ago.  We whipped up a batch of them bad boys and served them up properly with fried eggs, farm-fresh butter and homemade pancakes.  Brandon dug in to them and quickly said, “There’s something wrong with this.  My first thought went back to that time in basic, “Hey buddy this isn’t Cream of Wheat.”  “I know that Dad, they’re grits.”, he said very sure of himself.  “I think you didn’t cook them long enough!”, he added.  “But I made them just like Uncle Mike makes them.”, I reassured him.  Unfazed, he grabbed the box of grits and read them silently.  Then he looked at me and asked “How can anyone screw up Quick Cook grits?”, he joked.  “Yeah, no more Beluga caviar, for you either, Mr Sophisticated!

Quick Cook Grits
Quick Cook Grits



Physical exercise away from home.
Physical exercise away from home.

On Monday, May 18, we were allowed to exercise outdoors, for the first time since absolute confinement was imposed in Panama. The first athletes were seen in the streets, mainly in the morning hours. As the day passed, the sun exposure and the heat, the number decreased.

Different sectors of society, who agree on the need for outdoor exercise, ask that it be adapted to the reality of our tropical climate.  

“Many countries with excellent public health systems have balanced the risk / benefit of allowing their citizens to go out and exercise” – said cardiologist Jorge Motta, former director of the Gorgas Memorial Institute.  

In the other countries, with the exception of El Salvador and Peru, it is allowed to carry out outdoor exercises as long as it is individually and taking measures of social distancing.  The decision adopted in Panama restricts the permission to leave to a time slot that must coincide with the last number of the ID.  The authorization to leave home in Panama is limited to the two hours previously authorized to do all kinds of errands, three times a week.  People over 60 are allowed to go out from 11 am to 1 pm, an inclement time to exercise outdoors. However, the other option is not to exercise, something extremely dangerous for the population after almost two months of home confinement.  

“One of the suggestions of the world’s doctors in this health crisis is exercise” – lawyer Zoila Correa wrote in a tweet.

Couldn’t you consider leaving to exercise daily from 5 am to 9 am? This schedule not only contributes to mental and physical health, and to clearing the home lockdown, but at that time no one is going to socialize, congregate or have drinks ”– said also lawyer Fernando Berguido.  

For Berguido, allowing individual exercises early in the morning would not only be healthy but productive.

“I think it would be a relatively easy measure to enforce, simple, but with a huge impact on the mood of the population.”

Dr. Xavier Saez-Llorens, one of the medical advisers to the Ministry of Health in the Covid-19 crisis, replied that he agreed with the suggestion.

Unhealthy schedule

Dozens of citizens have expressed through social networks their discomfort at the confinement and the imposed schedules. Complaints about exercising in the sun and the humidity of our climate increase among those who can only go out after 10 in the morning.

“I can’t imagine anyone running at 11 am or 1pm with the heat in Panama” – said Kerem Perez.  

Dr. Motta himself confesses that he has to leave at 12 in the day “when he could perfectly and with very low risk exercise at six or seven in the morning.”  Citizens also indicate that it is impossible, in two hours, to go to the market, pharmacy, run errands, take the children out and, in addition, manage to exercise.  

“I do not know if for those of us who have to buy the days we have to go out, give the time for the line to enter the supermarket, the line of sausages, the line for the butcher, buy the other things and come to the house to do exercises” – he said Ricardo Bustamante.


Motta, who also has a master’s degree in Public Health, questions the rationale for the existing restrictions.

“This restriction is typical of policies that try to become evidence, and not an evidence-based policy.”  

Pediatrician Pedro Vargas has also agreed to adapt the measure, insisting on the need to include children so that they can also go out with their parents.

MINSA has the capacity for good sense, but is under pressure due to uncertainty. Other levels of the State, without sanitary training and perhaps still with a trace of due obedience, should not be allowed to unmark him from what has been scientifically proven and appropriate for people ”.


Brett’s Comments:  I had a good exercise routine that I got into since May, 2019.  I was seriously overweight and my blood work wasn’t coming back very positive.  After one particular picture was taken of me, I realized it was time for a change.  I met with a smart nutritionist, hired on a great trainer and stuck to a serious regime of healthy dieting and exercise and within 9 months had lost probably over 60 lbs of fat and gained almost 20 in muscle.  But in February, 2020, I had to stop completely and have since gained back over 10 pounds.  I’ve also been having back problems and if I could get out to walk, it would be a huge improvement for my health.  Without a doubt, I need to get out and walk.  I tried to a week ago, but didn’t get more than a block when I was stopped by the police and told to turn around.  The ridiculous part of this order is that while they demand that you walk alone, you are still obligated to wear a mask.  Why do you have to wear a mask if you’re going to be completely alone?  I am 100% on board with wearing a mask when you have to meet someone else, go to the store, enter a building, but driving alone or walking alone just doesn’t make any sense.


The Council of Ministers for Economic Integration (Comieco), held an extraordinary meeting where the measures adopted by Costa Rica were discussed, on limiting the entry of international cargo carriers to their country, to avoid contagions by COVID-19. During the virtual meeting, the Minister of Commerce and Industries, Ramón Martínez, asked the Costa Rican government to eliminate these decrees. Meanwhile, the Minister of Foreign Trade of this country, Dyalá Jiménez, assured that the restrictions on entry to the country of foreign cargo carriers are not intended to cause damage to trade in Central America and that the Government is open to listen to suggestions. Earlier, cargo carriers maintained the closure measure of this border, demanding the intervention of the national government, before the Ethical authorities, which, according to them, always make regulations that affect them. The Director of Customs of Panama, Tayra Barsallo, described as inhumane the proposal of Costa Rica, to establish police custodians through caravans where only cargo carriers will be allowed to stop, since they are carried out at night and take more than 10 hours from border to border.



The Minister of Health, Rosario Turner, went out this Monday to deliver masks to users of the Panama Metro at the May 5 station and to passers-by. Accompanied by officials, Turner said that people are complying with the recommendations to avoid the spread of the coronavirus and “that is favorable.”

“People were wearing the masks, we are pleased,” she said, while reminding that the measures should be redoubled.

On the evaluation after the opening of companies that comprise the first block, she said that for the moment it is going well and that they will continue with the inspections to ensure they continue to comply with the health measures.

“Today’s indicators show that the population is adapting to this new circumstance,”

She also said that they are preparing for a new measurement of the parameters with the aim of establishing the opening date of companies that are in the second block.



During the weekend, a total of 1,677 people were detained for breaching the Executive Decree that establishes absolute quarantine in Panama. Among them, 1,600 adults and 77 minors. Likewise, a total of 130 vehicles were removed in cranes for not complying with the established schedules. The authorities indicated that they will continue with iron-clad operations nationwide and call on the population to stay home to mitigate COVID-19 infections nationwide, a virus that has killed at least 275 people in Panama.



China will make its coronavirus vaccine a global public good once it becomes available, President Xi Jinping told the governing body of the World Health Organization. Xi’s comments come amid growing concern that countries prioritize national interests in the search for a vaccine against the virus. WHO is pushing a proposal that aims to ensure broad access to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, while offering an appropriate reward to creators. China will also provide $ 2 billion over two years to support the fight against the pandemic, especially in developing countries, Xi said in a speech to the World Health Assembly.



The US biotech firm Moderna announced Monday that it had “provisional positive” results in the initial phase of clinical trials of its vaccine against the new coronavirus, in a small number of volunteers. The compound produced an immune response in eight patients who received it, about the same magnitude as those who have caught the virus, the company said.

“Provisional phase 1, while an early stage, demonstrates that vaccination with mRNA1273 produces an immune response of the same magnitude as that caused by natural infection,” Dr. Tal Zaks, medical director of Moderna, said in a statement.

This suggests, although not final proof, that the vaccine unleashes an immune response. The company said the vaccine “has the potential to prevent COVID-19.

The clinical study that, carried out by the National Institutes of Health of the United States, where the government invested 500 million dollars for this potential vaccine. During the tests, a group of 15 patients received three different doses of the vaccine. Phase 3, testing more people, will begin in July, the pharmacist added. Vaccination against coronavirus is a global priority to end the pandemic that has left more than 315,270 deaths worldwide and at least 4.7 million confirmed cases. Last Friday, US President Donald Trump said he hopes to have a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year.



Medical alternative with stem cells
Medical alternative with stem cells

Panamanian scientists work in search of therapeutic alternatives to treat Covid-19 disease, which has generated a global health crisis. Hospitals and laboratories hone strategies to carry out preclinical and clinical trials that allow a patient to face the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is characterized by mainly affecting the lungs and other organs of the body. The most recent research protocol approved by the National Committee for Research Bioethics (CNBI) – an autonomous entity, although institutionally attached to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) – on therapeutic alternatives for Covid-19 is from the Gorgas Commemorative Institute of Studies Health (Icges). It is titled “In Vitro Analysis of Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cell Susceptibility for SARS-CoV-2 as a Therapeutic Determining and Vertical Transmission in Pregnant Women with Covid-19″.

The research protocol was approved by the CNBI on May 4, and since then scientists have been recruiting pregnant women with the disease who have entered the Santo Tomás Hospital, the Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex of the Caja de Seguro Social and the National Hospital. MairimSolís, a scientist from the Icges Research and Technological Development Directorate, explained that the study they are conducting is preclinical in vitro, that is, the stem cells of the placenta from pregnant women with the disease are isolated, and in the laboratory ( not in humans) the effects of the new coronavirus on the function of these cells are studied. Why use placental stem cells? The answer lies in previous scientific studies that indicate it is a rich source of stem cells, as much or more than the umbilical cord. Solís stressed that the clinical trials that are being carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments for Covid-19, including clinical trials with stem cells, involve the transfusion of stem cells to seriously ill patients with some degree of pneumonia due to Covid-19, what is termed as compassionate experimental treatment. Countries that are using stem cell therapy for the disease include China, Israel, and the United States. Gorgas scientists are now conducting research on its use. Vertical transmission Another objective of the study is to know if there is vertical transmission of Covid-19 in pregnant women.

In this regard, Solís explained that various viruses, such as zika and SARS-CoV-1, have been reported to successfully penetrate the placenta and infect the cells found there, causing transmission of the virus to the baby. Hence the interest in knowing if the same happens with SARS-CoV-2. The placenta is a tissue that physiologically functions as a barrier that prevents pathogens from the mother from crossing into the baby, but some microorganisms manage to penetrate this barrier. The scientist added that in the world there are already three reports, published in early May, that identified the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the placenta, so it is important to know if this occurs in the viral lineages that circulate in our country. He added that stem cells are a study option because they are not like the drugs (remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine) that are being used for the disease that have been in use for years. “Stem cells are still being studied for other pathologies,” said Solís, who has been conducting research with the placenta and the stem cell population there for about 11 years. Gorgas researchers Sandra López Vérges, head of the Virology and Biotechnology Research Department, and Erika Guerrero, from the stem cell research group, also participate in the study. From the Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex is Paulino Vigil-De Gracia, scientist of the National Research System and gynecologist and obstetrician, who assists in the recruitment of patients in the hospital. There is also Dr. Sara Campana, head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Service, who assists in the coordination in the operating room to collect the placenta from patients who have signed the informed consent, as well as Jorge Ng Chinkee, head of the Division of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

The team is completed by Jaime Sánchez, gynecologist and obstetrician of the Santo Tomás Hospital, who assists in the recruitment of patients, presentation of the informed consent form for voluntary donation of the placenta, and coordination with the operating room and delivery room to collecting the placenta.

More studies

Argentina Ying, president of the CNBI, indicated that any study, from the simplest to the most complex that has ethical approval by the CNBI, has scientific and social validity, and will provide information not known so far. He stated that the first study regarding Covid-19 was presented on March 30, and that to date a total of 20 have been received, of which 6 have been approved, including the stem cell study. The scientist indicated that among all these investigations it is contributing to the construction of knowledge of this new virus in Panama, and with which it is expected that decisions based on scientific evidence can be made.



The dermatological condition could be another symptom of COVID-19.
The dermatological condition could be another symptom of COVID-19. (Courtesy of Dr. Amy Paller/Northwestern University via AP)

A rash on the toes could be a symptom of COVID-19 disease, which has alarmed dermatologists. Dermatologist Esther Freeman expected to see skin conditions due to the pandemic: Various types of rashes occur when people become seriously ill from other viruses.

“But I didn’t expect it to be on the toes,” said Freeman of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, who in recent weeks has seen more toes on photo or video than in his entire career.

They are called “COVID toes” because they are red and swollen, sore, and sometimes itchy, something normally seen on the feet and hands of people who have spent a lot of time outdoors in the cold. If your fingers are swollen, dermatologists recommend a remote consultation first and they will be the ones to decide whether you should stay home or get a coronavirus test. The most common symptoms of coronavirus are fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath, and some people are contagious even though they never experience symptoms. But as this puzzling virus continues to spread, less common symptoms are reported, such as loss of smell, vomiting, and diarrhea, and increasingly, a variety of skin problems.

In a report, dermatologists evaluated 88 patients with COVID-19 at an Italian hospital and found that 1 in 5 had some type of skin symptom, mainly red rashes on the trunk. In another, Spanish doctors reported a series of 375 confirmed virus patients with a variety of skin ailments, from hives to chickenpox-like lesions and inflammation of the toes. For some people, it is the first or even the only symptom they notice. Others see the toe problem at the same time or even a few weeks after experiencing the most common and severe COVID-19 symptoms.

It’s also appearing in young people, according to Dr. Amy Paller of Northwestern University, who is part of a pediatric dermatology registry that also collects images of patients’ feet.



In the areas where a greater number of cases of COVID-19 are being detected, the masks will be delivered. Health Minister Rosario Turner stated that there is a total of 30,000 masks to deliver, her statements were made while on a tour of the May 5 station of the Panama Metro. In her tour, Turner verified that the users of the Panama Metro will use their mask correctly and delivered them to people who do not have this implement, in order to raise awareness among the population about the importance of this personal barrier against COVID-19. and other respiratory viruses. Some people, at the time when the head of the Ministry of Health tried to give her the mask, indicated that they already had theirs, for which Minister Turner said that feeling grateful because, this gives her the opportunity to give it to someone who does not Have and because, the Panamanian is becoming aware that this implement needs to be used for his protection. Turner highlighted that the “new normal” is an adaptation process, so there will also be tours of the companies in order to verify compliance with the guidelines for post-COVID return19, in order for all companies to comply measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in their establishments.

“Advancing the reopening of each block will depend on the compliance of each of the citizens”, said Minister Rosario Turner, while stating that, a week after the opening of the first block, she considers that the population is adapting.

The objective will always be to safeguard the health of the population, said Turner, who also recalled that this Monday the tender process for rapid tests begins in order to detect COVID19 cases in time, which may arise.



The Ministry of the Presidency, questioned about the management of public funds to face the pandemic by Covid-19, published in its transparency tab the expenses of the discretionary departure of the President of the Republic. Under a tab cataloged “Funds from the Superior Office“, the Presidency reported for the use of $ 405 thousand 685 in discretionary purchases corresponding to the month of April 2020. In the list, the vast majority of purchases correspond to expenses related to the virus by Covid-19, as purchase of masks, alcohol gel and sanitation services. The purchases made with the discretionary item are direct, they do not go to tender and are published, as is the case this month, weeks behind.

The highest expense in relation to Covid-19 was to standardize the volunteers who distribute the food bags and the Panama Solidario vouchers. The Presidency disbursed $ 41,659 to the company Inversiones Nossay, S.A .. This company, according to data from the Public Registry, was registered in 2014 and is chaired by Jaime Enrique Vega García.

The detail of this purchase mentions 10,000 uniforms for volunteers, which means a cost of $ 4.17 per uniform. Similar purchases include payment to Amura, S.A., a company chaired by Rafael Mazza, for the purchase of 4,900 units of 8 oz. Alcoholic gel. for a total amount of $ 14,020. When dividing, the cost per unit is $ 2.86. Another purchase included in the list is to acquire 11 thousand masks at a total price of $ 6,710. The company benefiting from this contract, Unión Logística, SA, was also the one mentioned in a payment commitment letter signed by the now former minister of the presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz.

Said letter contemplated the purchase of 2.5 million bottles of alcohol gel for about $ 13 million. That purchase, finally, turned out not to be carried out, according to the Presidency. In the case of what was reported as part of the discretionary item, the cost per mask would be $ 0.61. A payment in the name of L & M Asociados for $ 10,186 was made as payment for the purchase of equipment and clothing for the sanitation and disinfection process of the Colón prisons. Another payment for the inventory replacement of 24 thousand bottles of water was made in the name of Empresas Cedeño, which the Public Registry is related to L & M Asociados and is chaired by Iturvides Cedeño Ríos.

Other payments for sanitation services were made through the discretionary item. For example, the company Proyectos Trexa received a payment of $ 8,694 for the sanitation of the Panama Solidario “logistics hub” at the Convention Center. This company was registered in 2015 and is chaired by Roberto Carlos Ingino.

The other purchases in relation to the pandemic by Covid-19, included in the list, include the purchase of gloves from the company Global Trading Import & Export, S.A., chaired by Brigitte Barletta and purchases of food for volunteers in Atlapa from Niko’s Café. Unlike the administration of Juan Carlos Varela (2014-2019), which published expenses on a discretionary basis on a quarterly basis, the Presidency led by Laurentino Cortizo does so on a monthly basis.



With the reopening of some economic activities, it is important to have biosecurity and hygiene equipment, such as thermometers, but which ones are appropriate. The use of thermometers will be mandatory in companies and commercial premises to monitor the temperature of those who enter these facilities.



La Villa, Los Santos. A 17-year-old patient was the last to leave the hospital ward of the Anita Moreno Regional Hospital this Sunday, which was enabled to care for patients with coronavirus in the provinces of Herrera and Los Santos. Luis Pérez, regional director of health for Herrera, reported that this patient had been hospitalized for a month and was discharged after her laboratory examination was negative.

The young woman is pregnant.

“This is a patient scheduled for delivery or cesarean section at the end of May,” explained the doctor.

Pérez said that this patient will continue to be followed up at the Health Center of the district of Las Minas (Herrera) for scheduling her delivery. She added that the care of this patient and the rest who have been hospitalized by Covid-19 is an effort of the medical staff, the technical and administrative staff.

“It is a great satisfaction felt by all the staff when a patient he is discharged ”, he highlighted.

Herrera’s regional health director said that with the departure of the young woman, there is not a single hospitalized patient, neither Herrera nor Los Santos. On the other hand, he detailed that until this Sunday, May 17, of the autochthonous cases in the province of Herrera, seven epidemiologically recovered patients are registered, three with clinical recovery in isolation and another six in home isolation. A death is recorded. He added that, of the four imported cases, two have clinical recovery and two laboratory recoveries. This province has 21 cases of Covid-19.




  • 9,726 positive cases
  • 120 new cases
  • 279 deaths
  • 3,019 home isolation (747 hospital hotels)
  • 343 are hospitalized (272 in ward / 71 intensive care)
  • 6,085 clinically recovered

Rosario Turner, Minister of Health, said that a new measurement of epidemiological parameters is already being prepared with the aim of establishing the opening date of companies that are in block 2.

Turner also announced that she issued instructions to initiate the tender process for rapid tests that allow the detection of COVID-19 cases.

Coronavirus statistics from Day 1:

  • Mon, March 9: 1 case
  • Tues 10: 8 cases (+7)
  • Wed 11: 14 cases (+6)
  • Thu 12: 27 cases (+13)
  • Fri 13: 36 cases (+9)
  • Sat 14:43 cases (+7)
  • Sun 15: 55 cases (+12)
  • Mon 16: 69 cases (+14)
  • Tues 17: 86 cases (+17)
  • Wed 18: 109 cases (+23)
  • Thu 19: 137 cases (+28)
  • Fri 20: 200 cases (+63)
  • Sat 21: 245 cases (+45)
  • Sun 22: 313 cases (+68)
  • Mon 23: 345 cases (+32)
  • Tues 24: 443 cases (+98)
  • Wed 25: 558 cases (+115)
  • Thu 26: 674 cases (+116)
  • Fri 27: 786 cases (+112)
  • Sat 28: 901 cases (+115)
  • Sun 29: 989 cases (+88)
  • Mon 30: 1075 cases (+86)
  • Tues 31: 1181 cases (+106)
  • Wed April 1:1317 cases (+136)
  • Thu 2: 1475 cases (+158)
  • Fri 3: 1673 cases (+198)
  • Sat 4: 1801 cases (+128)
  • Sun 5: 1988 cases (+187)
  • Mon 6: 2100 cases (+112)
  • Tues 7: 2249 cases (+149)
  • Wed 8: 2528 cases (+279)
  • Thu 9: 2752 cases (+224)
  • Fri 10: 2974 cases (+222)
  • Sat 11: 3234 cases (+260)
  • Sun 12: 3400 cases (+166)
  • Mon 13: 3472 cases (+72)
  • Tues 14: 3574 cases (+102)
  • Wed 15: 3751 cases (+177)
  • Thu 16: 4016 cases (+265)
  • Fri 17: 4210 cases (+194)
  • Sat 18: 4273 cases (+63)
  • Sun 19: 4467 cases (+194)
  • Mon 20: 4658 cases (+191)
  • Tues 21: 4820 cases (+162)
  • Wed 22: 4992 cases (+171)
  • Thu 23: 5166 cases (+174)
  • Fri 24: 5338 cases (+172)
  • Sat 25: 5538 cases (+200)
  • Sun 26: 5779 cases (+241)
  • Mon 27: 6021 cases (+242)
  • Tues 28: 6200 cases (+179)
  • Wed 29: 6378 cases (+178)
  • Thu, 30: 6532 cases (+154)
  • Fri, May 1: 6720 cases (+188)
  • Sat, May 2: 7090 cases (+370)
  • Sun, May 3: 7197 cases (+107)
  • Mon, May 4: 7387 cases (+190)
  • Tue, May 5: 7523 cases (+136)
  • Wed, May 6: 7731 cases (+208)
  • Thu, May 7: 7868 cases (+137)
  • Fri, May 8: 8070 cases (+202)
  • Sat, May 9: 8282 cases (+212)
  • Sun, May 10: 8448 cases (+166)
  • Mon, May 11: 8616 cases (+168)
  • Tue, May 12: 8783 cases (+167)
  • Wed, May 13: 8944 cases (+161)
  • Thu, May 14: 9118 cases (+174)
  • Fri, May 15: 9268 cases (+150)
  • Sat, May 16: 9449 cases (+181)
  • Sun, May 17: 9606 cases (+157)
  • Mon, May 18: 9726 cases (+120)


Did I ever mention just how proud I am of my augmented culinary tastes and abilities?

Being stuck in a house with a back yard is extremely fortunate under quarantine.  I can still go out to the back yard and do all kinds of things.  One of those things is working on my grilling skills.  In the Midwest USA if a man doesn’t know how to grill the perfect steak or burger on a grill, it’s mandatory that the townsfolk point at you and laugh while shaming you with unkind words.  I mean, I would never do that, but others did…

The Grill
The Grill

Anyways, today, I’m going to show a little balance to the force and give my tips on how to grill meat and how to properly grill some amazing vegetables.

First, the meat:  for the novice, the easiest cut will always be a tenderloin.  Very little fat, big thick cut of steak and nothing flopping around that will be awkward on the grill or slip through into the coals.  Also, there’s no need to marinade it.  As a matter of fact, marinating beef should only be done when you’re doing fajitas or trying to impress the inlaws.  I do recommend a good rub, as this will add flavor but also helps to protect the beef from burning.

The biggest problem is everyone thinks that you need the meat to be right over the fire.  This is so far from the truth.  A good grillologist (I just made that up) will have coals on only half of his grill and use the other grill for roasting.

STEP 1 –  trim the fat from your tenderloin.  Pat the roast completely dry with clean paper towels

STEP 2 – Choose your rub.  I use a mixture similar to this:

  • 3 tablespoons paprika
  • 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoon ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano
  • 2 teaspoons parsley
  • 1 teaspoon dried cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

This is just a guide.  If you like it hotter, add more cayenne or through in some red pepper flakes.  If you don’t like sweet, then cut back or eliminate the brown sugar.  I’ll even add ground mustard or turmeric to the mix if I want to mix things up a bit.

STEP 3 – start your grill.  A half of a bag of any small bag which is probably 30-40 briquets should be enough.  Only add the charcoal to one half of your grill.  You’ll thank me later for this tip.  Use lighter fluid if you want, but light your grill.

STEP 4 – Once the charcoal is red hot, spread the coals out evenly just on one half of the grill.  Brush the grill grates with olive oil, being careful of grill flare ups and place your meat on the hottest part of that half of the grill.  All you want to do is to sear the meat and that will only take about 30 seconds on each side of the roast.  The point about searing is keeping in the juices which helps to cook the meat on the inside, enhance flavor and to avoid it from frying out.

STEP 5 – Once you’ve seared it, brush olive oil on the other half of the grill, the “cold side” and place the meat on that half of the grill and close the lid.  The temperature will probably go up to over 400°F.  That’s a good thing!  If you have meat thermometer, insert it into the meatiest part and wait until the internal temperature is 130°F for my favorite Medium-Rare.  You do not want to go hotter than 150°F because at that point you’ve just ruined it and we could no longer be friends.  If you do not have a thermometer, just watch for wobbliness.  Trial and error.  I wouldn’t leave a 5lb roast on the grill for longer than 40 minutes though.

STEP 6 – Remove it and let it sit on a rack for a good 15 minutes.  DO NOT cut it, for any reason whatsoever prior to those 15 minutes.  The juices inside are at its most liquid form.  If you cut it now, it’s all coming out and you’ve lost tons of flavor.


Most people start off learning how to do meats on the grill, but the real trick is learning and experimenting with veggies.  As an omnivore, I like to look at vegetables as being a “side dish”, but an important side dish at that.  If you’re vegan or vegetarian, I apologize for the first entrée I gave tips on.  Just forget I even mentioned that, and let’s move on to the veggies.

Grill vegetables can be tricky for so many reasons and there are just some veggies that you shouldn’t attempt on the grill.  But some are perfect and amazing as standalone dishes or complimentary dishes to support the wicked desires of others.

My favorites on the grill are Eggplant, Asparagus, Potatoes, Corn, Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms and if you can find them in Panama Zucchini.  I love tomatoes, but not a fan of grilling them.

STEP 1 – Whatever your combination of vegetables is for the grill, clean them and then slice them all the same thickness so they cook the same.  Tomatoes are watery and will cook hotter and that’s one of the reasons I don’t like grilling them.

STEP 2 – Oil all of your veggies very lightly.  If the oil starts dripping into the grill, you’ve oiled too much.  Next time, use less.  Mushrooms suck in the oil so oil those at the grill, just seconds before you add them.  Sprinkle kosher salt, the coarser, the better.  You can add black pepper, but I think pepper kills the unique taste of each vegetable, so I don’t add it.

STEP 3 – When the coals are ready, add the veggies; this shouldn’t be hotter than 450°F.  Close the grill and flip after 3 minutes.  If you oiled them properly, they should flip easily.

Mostly all of the veggies will be done in 7-8 minutes.  Bell peppers take a little longer and corn with the husk will take a lot longer.  In Panama it’s hard to find this good corn, so make sure its completely thawed before adding it to the grill and your Green Giant mini corn on the cobs should be done in less than 10 minutes.  You should boil or steam carrots for 5 minutes first and then grill them for another 4-5 minutes.

STEP 4 – Let them rest.  Some will look dry as they come off the grill, but once they rest, they’ll sweat and the flavor will come out strong.


Stay safe…  Stay healthy…  And by all means STAY HOME!!…

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